Din anul 2016 și până în anul 2020 Fundația pentru Apărarea Cetățenilor Împotriva Abuzurilor Statului a fost membru al Consiliului Economic și Social, organism consultativ al Parlamentului şi al Guvernului României.
C. e. It is a public institution of national interest, three-way, self-sufficient, for the purpose of achieving the tripartite dialogue at the national level, between the organizațiilepatronale, trade unions, and representatives of associations and foundations, non-governmental, civil society, and being consulted on the draft legislation initiated by the Government or any of the legislative proposals of the members of parliament or senators, in areas such as economic policy, financial and fiscal policies, labor relations, social security, the policies of the labour and equality of opportunity and treatment, agriculture, rural development, environmental protection and sustainable development, the protection of consumers and fair competition, co-operation, professions and self-employment, your rights and freedoms of citizens, the policies in the area of health policy in the sphere of education, youth, research, culture and sports.